Cottage Grove Historical Soceity

After many Chef travels, I never thought for a moment I would open a restaurant in a small town. when I looked in the mirror, I only saw Bright city lights and glamorous cocktail parties on the horizon. But here I stand, after some twists of fate and some marvelous divine intervention!
I had the extreme privilege of catering the C.G. Historical Society's fundraiser Wed. night at the C.G. theater. and had quite a wonderful time of it!
There may be a spot for me after all, out here in the wilderness! I find myself, The "Chef" that volunteers at his local churches, feeds your kids when their off at college ( through Newman Center) helps out the March of Dimes, voices support at the local radio station, creates new jobs, inspires people, educates people and works with local farmers, and Even chats with your grandmother at the local historical society Fundraiser.


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